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Sci alpino lezione - intermedio

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Sci alpino lezione - intermedio
Sci alpino lezione - intermedio
Sci alpino lezione - intermedio
Offerto da Pietro
Professionista certificato


  • La Thuile
  • 4 ore
  • Privato
  • Max 8 persone
  • English, Français, Italiano

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One of life’s genuinely nice people​,​ amazing passion and talent​,​ goes out of his way to make feel comfortable whilst you are being pushed to the next level. Ski Safari La Thuile & La Rosière Meeting point is at the bottom of La Thuile yellow bubbles. This is the time were materials are carefully checked: must be of right size and comfortable. We are ready ! The lift takes us to the top of plateau of La Thuile​,​ than Chaz Dura and France is entered. The link to France is often ventilated and one lift is called "Belvedere". Belvedere is a combination of “nice” and “panorama” in Italian​,​ making “nice panorama”. At the top​,​ Mont Blanc​,​ Matterhorn and Monte Rosa are easily spotted and it is hard for me to take you away from other pictures ! The sensation of fresh air and unpolluted environment is tangible. With sun cream on your smiling face​,​ legs starting to warm up and sun heats the slopes; outstanding places are shared and discovered. One of them is Ecudets secret chairlift in La Rosiere. Ecudets starts from inside the forest​,​ close to Bourg Saint Maurice village; heady scent of resin and pine trees hugs you. Technique is part of our journey and is customized to each single person and videos are taken to make our day unforgetable. There are places to explore and experience to live. These experiences should be authentic and unique. Join one of my group ! Other things to note Cover yourself with different layers according to temperature and weather conditions. There is no need of passport or ID.


La Thuile
La Thuile cable car, or in agreement with guest




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European Travel Insurance ERV: grazie al nostro partner assicurativo, forniamo gratuitamente la copertura SOS prenotando tramite Crion Di più


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Rimborso completo: annulla 3 giorni prima dell'orario di inizio dell'attività e ricevi il 100% del rimborso.Le commissioni di servizio non saranno rimborsate. Di più


European Travel Insurance ERV: grazie al nostro partner assicurativo, forniamo gratuitamente la copertura SOS prenotando tramite Crion Di più


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