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Passeggiata culturale esperienza - principiante

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Passeggiata culturale esperienza - principiante
Passeggiata culturale esperienza - principiante
Passeggiata culturale esperienza - principiante
Passeggiata culturale esperienza - principiante
Passeggiata culturale esperienza - principiante
Offerto da Esmeralda
Professionista certificato


  • Dongio
  • 8 ore
  • Gruppo
  • Max 1 persone
  • English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano

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Autumn has arrived​,​ the most colorful and cozy season of the year. In the autumn ​,​ Mother Nature gives us her best​,​ giving the leaves warm​,​ relaxing hues and intoxicating the air with the scents of the underbrush. We have chosen an easy trail among the trees in their autumn guise​,​ allowing us to spend happy hours outdoors and immerse ourselves in nature with different eyes​,​ in grace and harmony. We will be able to take beautiful photographs​,​ taking advantage of the mottled light that filters through the leaves and create small masterpieces while being inspired by the forest and the red​,​ yellow​,​ brown and mauve wonders that surround us. It is recommended to bring plenty of water or favorite beverage. Easy walk in the woods of 2 hours and 40 minutes (10.2 km​,​ with an elevation gain of 205 m uphill and 463 m downhill)​,​ starting from Piazzale San Domenico in Acquarossa​,​ moving with the Blenian Autolinee from Dongio Country Torre Baracca) ​,​ passing through Grumo​,​ the birthplace of Mastro Martino Rossi​,​ the great Blenian Renaissance cook​,​ via the atelier of sculptor Giovanni Genucchi (sculptures from trees and roots) and an enchanted vegetable garden​,​ respectful of nature and its rhythms and nourished by "good" micro-organisms. Nature observation and art-making activities for amateurs and experts of all levels. Conclusion with an apero-merenda dedicated to chestnut and pumpkin. with tasting of autumn specialties of the Valley and delicious variations on a theme. Info and reservations: esmeraldamattei@gmail.com 079 235 20 86


6723 Castro




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