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Escursione in montagna esperienza - prima volta

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Escursione in montagna esperienza - prima volta
Escursione in montagna esperienza - prima volta
Escursione in montagna esperienza - prima volta
Escursione in montagna esperienza - prima volta
Escursione in montagna esperienza - prima volta
Chaberton Outdoor ActivitiesChaberton Outdoor Activities
Offerto da Chaberton Outdoor Activities
Società partner


  • Claviere
  • 3 ore
  • Gruppo
  • Max 10 persone
  • English, Français, Italiano

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A spectacular and easily accessible itinerary that will enchant you with its beauty and timeless history. We will follow the old military road to reach the lookout post of Rocca Clarì​,​ an outpost on the Italian-French border. The walking itinerary leading from Claviere to Rocca Clari is perfect for a first excursion in the mountains. This simple but fascinating path is very satisfying. The peak is a popular destination for excursionists who undertake the via ferrata on the northern slope​,​ overlooking the San Gervasio gorges. The route is dotted with hidden fortifications dating back to the Second World War​,​ which the Chaberton Outdoor guides will lead you to discover and admire. The excursion starts from Claviere​,​ a picturesque village located in Val Susa​,​ Piedmont​,​ on the border with France. The trip begins by following a path through a larch forest that will be the setting for the first part of the excursion​,​ where the lucky ones will be able to pick blueberries​,​ raspberries and wild strawberries. After reaching the locality of La Coche​,​ where in summer there is an alpine pasture producing the exquisite Toma Piemontese cheese​,​ we continue through a dense pine and fir forest. Following the old military mule track​,​ you will reach the fortifications located on the highest part of Rocca Clarì. After a regenerating break at the top of the mountain and after admiring the unique view offered by Rocca Clarì and its bunkers​,​ you will set off again to conclude the hike by following a ring-shaped path. You will be gently accompanied on your descent by a panoramic path that will lead you to the ancient peat bog and its incredible history! On the way back to La Coche​,​ you will have the opportunity to stop at an alpine pasture to taste delicious local dairy products (optional)​,​ living an authentic experience together with the producers​,​ before returning to the village along a gentle forest path.






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Rimborso completo: annulla 3 giorni prima dell'orario di inizio dell'attività e ricevi il 100% del rimborso.Rimborso parziale: annulla 1 giorno prima dell'inizio dell'attività e ricevi il 50% del rimborso.Le commissioni di servizio non saranno rimborsate. Di più


European Travel Insurance ERV: grazie al nostro partner assicurativo, forniamo gratuitamente la copertura SOS prenotando tramite Crion Di più


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