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Parapendio esperienza - prima volta

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Parapendio esperienza - prima volta
Parapendio esperienza - prima volta
Parapendio esperienza - prima volta
Offerto da RevolutionAir
Società partner


  • Monte Carasso
  • 2 ore
  • Privato
  • Max 2 persone
  • English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano

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Full description: Experience the unique sensation of a tandem paragliding flight in Switzerland. Reach the takeoff point on Monte Carasso at 1300 m above sea level with the instructor; to do so​,​ you will have to take the cable car first and then walk a short distance. The instructor will give a briefing to give you the information you need to enjoy the experience peacefully. You will then take to the air and fly over the unique landscape of the Ticino Valley for about 30 minutes​,​ admiring the impressive fortified complex of Bellinzona consisting of three medieval castles complete with towers and walls. On your left you will be able to glimpse the Grisons Valleys​,​ while on your right the waters of Lake Locarno will shimmer. It will be an unforgettable experience! What we will do: Meet our instructor at the Monte Carasso - Mornera cable car at the time chosen for the flight. In about 15 minutes of ascent the cable car will take us up to altitude​,​ from here we will take a short 10-minute walk to the take-off point at 1300 m altitude. Upon reaching the launch point​,​ we will listen to the instructor's briefing​,​ who will give us the information we need to enjoy the experience in perfect tranquility. Once the briefing is over​,​ we will prepare for the flight​,​ with the instructor giving us a hand with the harness. Once we are ready​,​ we will do a functional take-off run and thus take off with the fortified complex of Bellinzona in the Ticino Valley in front of us. That is​,​ we will have the opportunity to admire from above the three castles of the medieval era built by the Dukes of Milan. We will fly over the three fortresses with their imposing walls and for 30 minutes we will enjoy the thrill of paragliding​,​ with a truly enchanting landscape at our feet. On our left we will be able to admire the Grisons Valleys and on our right the sheet of water of Lake Locarno. We will land about 10 minutes walk from the meeting point. The total duration of the activity will be one and a half hours. Who it is for: The activity is at an easy level and suitable for beginners. Children from 6 years of age can also fly​,​ with signed parental consent. Up to age 16​,​ the presence of a parent is mandatory. In order to fly paragliders​,​ participants must be within a weight limit of 140 kg. Other requirements are to enjoy good health and good mobility.


Monte Carasso




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European Travel Insurance ERV: grazie al nostro partner assicurativo, forniamo gratuitamente la copertura SOS prenotando tramite Crion Di più


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Rimborso completo: annulla 10 giorni prima dell'orario di inizio dell'attività e ricevi il 100% del rimborso.Le commissioni di servizio non saranno rimborsate. Di più


European Travel Insurance ERV: grazie al nostro partner assicurativo, forniamo gratuitamente la copertura SOS prenotando tramite Crion Di più


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