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Hilfe / Searching and booking / Who is the provider?

Who is the provider?

You can find activities listed by 4 types of providers: Business Partners​,​ Certified Professionals​,​ Local Experts and everyone else. Crion doesn’t personally provide any activity​,​ but makes the connection between you and them possible:

  • Business Partners: ski​/​biking​/​ecc. schools​,​ mountain guides associations and other companies legally listed on the Chamber of Commerce of the country they are operating in. You can easily identify one from the dark blue badge and the tag “business” that appears on their listing and profile.
  • Certified Professionals: an individual that has a certificate of profession for the activity listed in the country of operation. You can easily identify one from the blue badge and the tag “professional” that appears on their listing and profile. The professional badge is always linked to a discipline and not only to the person​,​ and must be kept up to date in the profile in order to maintain the status​,​ to make sure you only get the best from the best! (eg. a certified alpine ski instructor is considered professional in the alpine skiing discipline but not in snowboarding).
  • Local Experts: local people with knowledge of the territory and​/​or expertise in a specific discipline but with no certification. You can easily identify one from the light blu badge and the tag “local expert” that appears on their listing and profile.
  • Everyone else: Crion is​,​ above all​,​ the largest community of passionate mountain people in the Alps. This is why we let you list any activity you want totally free of charge when a payment is not involved​,​ so that you can meet like-minded individuals and build your buddies network!
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