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Cross-country skiing tour - beginner

Cross-country skiing tour - beginner
Cross-country skiing tour - beginner
Cross-country skiing tour - beginner
Cross-country skiing tour - beginner
Cross-country skiing tour - beginner
Glød ExplorerGlød Explorer
Offered by Glød Explorer
Business partner


  • 4 days
  • Group
  • Max 8 people
  • English

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This epic adventure is ranked in the top 5 ski treks in the world by Forbes travel guide. You will experience the traditional inner Finnmark and ski across gently rolling mountain plateau landscapes. In many ways​,​ it’s the prime cut of Norway! We are proud to have offered this trip since 2005​,​ making us the activity provider with the longest experience of the Finnmarksvidda mountain plateau! Join us crossing Finnmarksvidda! The trip in brief - A total of around 80 km - Four days’ skiing - Three nights’ accommodation at Finnmarksvidda’s traditional mountain lodges - A sauna at the mountain lodges is included (for those who wish) - Excellent food based on local ingredients​,​ from lunch day 1 to lunch day 4 - Experienced local guide and support by polar dogs which pull sledges​,​ non-motorised - No prepared trails on day 1​,​ but on the other days we roughly follow the snowmobile trail - We recommend using light mountain skis as cross-country skis designed for prepared trails will be too thin​/​light. - Each participant carries a day backpack and can pack a (small) bag of up to 5-6 kg which will be pulled on expedition sleds by polar dogs. You can pull an expedition sled yourself​,​ if you wish. - Planning meeting at Glød HQ in the afternoon the day before departure​,​ including soup and bread - There is a high demand at the mountain lodges during certain periods​,​ particularly in the late winter. Consequently​,​ we start the trip on Friday and end on Monday. Mountain lodges On this ski expedition​,​ we stay overnight and eat breakfast and dinner at the traditional mountain lodges​,​ more specifically Jotka Fjellstue​,​ Mollisjok Fjellstua and Ravnatua. You can also enjoy a relaxing hot sauna on arrival at the mountain lodges​,​ if you wish. The mountain lodges offer basic accommodation in cabins and dormitories with 2-6 bunks. On the leg between Mollisjok and Ravnastua​,​ we will pass an old former wilderness hut (resting place). In rough weather​,​ we can enjoy lunch here​,​ but to put it mildly the facilities are extremely basic. Internet​,​ phone coverage and electricity All the mountain lodges have electricity so charging mobile phones and other electrical equipment is no problem. Jotka Fjellstue has good mobile coverage (even 4G) but there is no telephone coverage at Ravnastua and Mollisjok. There is mobile coverage on parts of the plateau​,​ especially when you cross an elevation in the terrain. Accommodation before and after If you require accommodation before or after the tour​,​ we recommend our Aurora Canvas Dome. You will find this stylish​,​ comfortable and unique accommodation in Englandskogen​,​ a small pine forest right beside Glød. Or you can choose our stylist Pine Forest Apartment. Read about these options here.

Day 1

As we start our ski expedition at 8.30 a.m. on day one​,​ it’s natural for participants from afar to arrive the day before. If you require accommodation in Alta​,​ we can provide good alternatives. A planning meeting will be held at GLØD Headquarters at 19.00 (7 p.m.) on the day prior to departure to look at maps and the route​,​ go through the expedition plan and the weather forecast​,​ etc. We will check the gear and any supplements and hand out any equipment you have rented. (The time can be changed). (Alta Canyon and Jokta) Skis​,​ sledges​,​ dogs and equipment will be packed in the trailer and we will be transported to Tutteberget at the top of the Tverrelvdalen valley. This is where we start the ski trek and we largely make our own tracks on day one. We start today’s 15 km leg down in mountain birch forest and end at Jotka Fjellstue (mountain lodge). We ski due west and after roughly 4 km we reach Alta Canyon and can admire this spectacle view of one of Northern Europe’s largest canyons. After taking some wonderful photos​,​ we head due south​,​ stopping along the way to eat a packed lunch (remember to bring a packed lunch and thermos with you). On arrival at Jotka​,​ our hosts Steinar and Lisa are waiting to welcome us. This mountain lodge is one of the checkpoints on both the Finnmarksløp sled dog race and the Offroad Finnmark mountain bike race. After a hot sauna​,​ we will be served a fantastic dinner and dessert.

Day 2

(Jotka Mollisjok) After breakfast​,​ we set off on the longest leg of the trek (29 km). Apart from a couple of ascents at the start​,​ followed by descents​,​ the terrain on this leg is relatively flat. We follow sections of the course for the famous Finnmarksløp sled dog race and cross Iesjavri​,​ Finnmark’s largest lake. After nearly 30 km of skiing​,​ we arrive at Mollisjok Fjellstue (mountain lodge). We are now right in the heart of the Finnmarksvidda mountain plateau​,​ in the wilderness. We will be greeted by our host Margit​,​ who has a hot sauna and delicious dinner waiting.

Day 3

(Mollisjok Ravnastua) Today we cross “hundevidda” (the dog plain)​,​ known and dreaded by the participants in the Finnmarksløp sled dog race​,​ who are exhausted after little sleep and more than 800 km on their sleds. The terrain is slightly uphill for the first few kilometres before reaching the top of the eastern plateau. These areas are exposed to the elements​,​ so we must prepare accordingly. Late in the day​,​ we head slightly down again towards the wooded valley and​,​ after 23 km of skiing today​,​ we arrive at Ravnastua. On arrival at Ravnastua​,​ we are greeted by our host Oskar. If we are lucky​,​ he will play his accordion in the evening!

Day 4

(Ravnastua Assebakte (Karasjok) The last leg is around 14 km​,​ which is mostly through mountain birch forest​,​ ends with a wonderful sweeping descent of nearly 5km. We encounter the fertile Karasjokdalen valley​,​ ending at Assebahkte​,​ a few kilometres west of Karasjok. We will be picked up and transported back to Alta. We plan to be back at GLØD headquarters in Alta around 16.00 (4 p.m.)​,​ where you can have a well-earned shower and sauna. It will be possible to catch flights south after 17.30 (5.30 p.m.). For those who are not in a hurry​,​ we will meet for dinner in Alta (not included) to round off the tour in a proper manner. We can assist with arranging accommodation in Alta for those who require it.




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