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Help / About Crion / The activity

The activity

On Crion you can find winter and summer mountain activities​,​ such as:

  • Skiing
  • Snowboarding
  • Hiking
  • Biking
  • Climbing
  • Sledging
  • Water sports
  • Air sports

Under these main categories you can discover a wide range of disciplines, from free-ride skiing to trail running and mountain biking. In case your discipline is not yet available, let us know through the Contact form.

Every discipline can be offered or booked in 4 different ways:

  • Lesson: a professional paid activity provided by experts holding a valid professional certificate in the country of operation. The goal of the lesson is to teach a specific discipline or skill.
  • Tour: a professional paid activity provided by experts holding a valid professional certificate in the country of operation. This is a guided activity that needs a specific level of safety​,​ knowledge​,​ and expertise.
  • Experience: a non-professional paid activity provided by experts without any valid professional certificate. Authentic experiences can be of any kind: from visiting local hotspots to eating with the people that know the environment best because they live it every day.
  • Free sharing: a non-professional free activity provided by anyone in the Crion community. Free sharing is the simplest way to meet like-minded people to enjoy a day together doing what you love most!

Make sure to complete your profile​,​ adding your certification in case you are a professional​,​ to be able to list activities across all 4 classes.

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